
Medical Subsidy For Silver, Sporo-Cat (Elaine Tans)



We have subsidised RM262.50 for Silver’s treatment, which is 35% of the bill for the last month. Since Elaine has applied to SCRATCH as well, we have worked out a joint total of 70% considering the fact that Elaine is a student and she runs a small business to support herself. Elaine had initially requested for a total of 95% from both AnimalCare and SCRATCH but that would really be stretching it.

Our 35% subsidy has already been paid out.

Some updates from Elaine:

Dear Dr. Chan

It’s been more than a month since Silver admitted into the clinic for his sporo treatment. He is showing positive results from the medication and care under Dr. Wong. Recovery of Silver will be slower than other cat due to his FIV+, but generally he is doing great.

Picture attached are from the previous visit I’ve made to the vet. I was too excited about his recovery and forgotten to take picture during the latest trip. In compared to the previous trip’s picture, his small wounds are closing up, the large wound on his paw and tummy are not showing raw flesh anymore. Silver always have the habit to rub his head against the cage and clean up his own face, so it might take slightly longer time on the head part. The vet had switched Silver into a large carrier instead of a cage to reduce surface that Silver can rub himself on. I will try to visit Silver again this or next week and be sure to take an updated picture of him.

Silver was purring and meowing in a relaxed pose in the carrier, so I assume he is comfortable with it. So far, he have no any other health issue, eating and drinking normally. It’s also good to see that Silver being himself and talkative as ever.

I’ve submitted the claim form and an official signed photocopy of the receipt to your office. The subsidy request will be RM262.50 (As 35% of the total of RM750). The attached receipt is the original receipt that I will be keeping.

Thank you very much for all the great help, have a nice day!




Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/01/09/medical-subsidy-for-silver-sporo-cat-elaine-tans/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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