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we have only 15 bags of 10kg rice packets and 30 kgs of kibbles left at the half-way-house. This was from the batch we raised in Oct. Adoption has been slow and the number of dogs at the HWH is overwhelming. We need about 15 kgs of rice and 12 kgs of chicken liver daily to feed our HWH residents and our outside strays. We are also finding it difficult to source for liver on a daily basis due to the big amount and need a freezer and a fridge to store food. We also desperately need a washing machine to wash all the towels that we use on our dogs. Our helper says she cannot manage had washing anymore as not only is the number of towels massive – the bleach is also damaging her hands. We cannot afford to use our funds as we are in the midst of tying-up our debts at the various veterinary clinics where our dogs are being treated. We will gladly take your old appliances off your hands. Please write to malaysiandogsdeservebetter1@gmail.com for details. Thank you.
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