
Tales Wed Like To Hear CNRM-Ers Going Strong


Many months ago, XY Soo wrote to me about wanting to do something for the street animals. We got talking and of course, I shared with him about CNRM and how I went about starting AnimalCare. I offered XY Soo our medical sponsorship/subsidy should he wish to start doing CNRM at his place, but at the same time, I also encouraged him to just use our model and start his own small group (just like us).

Now, many months down the road, he has something going already.

Read about it:

Hi Dr. Chan,

It has been quite some months I last wrote to you. Months ago, after reading up online and started off on very small scale basis on CNRM, with the help of my neighbors ( well, not many, just 3 families), we manage to neuter strays that hang around at the back lane and got other blocks of houses to start off for their back lane too.
Things are moving slow, but promising. A friend of mine who graduated from UPM months ago and a vet in Kinrara did helped us a lot in terms of offering very much lower price for neutering, and also provides usadviceon feline/ canine health. It is good to know that there are vets who are willing to sacrifice their time doing free job for lay personnel who cannot offer much. As for funding, we managed ok, we fork out on monthly basis, some spare cash from pocket money or salary at the beginning of the TNRM, slowly other neighbors helped out by contributing financially, there are also some neighbors who did contributed by having their very own jumble sale, so there is a regular “income”. ^^
Although there also some not so happy incidents with certain people in the neighborhood who have misconception towards TNRM as cruel/ prohibited ( haram), we manage to keep on a good term with them, and hoping to be able to share the benefit of neutering with them. However, there are also very frustrating moments, at one point we saved up and get strays neutered, at the other hand there are irresponsible pet owners whose pets are let loose, be it cats or dogs, to get pregnant/ get other strays pregnant, then dump the kittens out at the back lane. Only if we could do something about that, to educate and share, crossing out fingers that one day these people will come to a straight mind and contribute by getting their pets neutered. =(
I am writing to share this good news, we survived and did quite ok on TNRM. In years time, hopefully, Bandar Kinrara strays population will be largely reduced without constant reproductions, and rate of neutering will increase for domestic pets. If everyone can start off small within their neighborhood, working on a self- funding for own blocks/ taman concept, it would be great on the success of controlling stray populations. Your efforts inspired many, inspired us. Have a joyful Chinese New Year.
XY Soo

Wonderful, isn’t it? Kudos to you, XY Soo and keep up the good work.

When I first started AnimalCare, I had never (and still don’t) had any intention of making it big. AnimalCare would be a small project, but a long-term one, aimed at helping street animals in our neighbourhood and most importantly, focus on education. I’d hope that whatever we do on a small-scale will inspire other people to start a similar project in their own neighbourhood with their vets. That way, we have small groups everywhere doing the same thing for the animals. It’s always easier to manage something small – there is less politics (virtually none!) and it’s better controlled in every aspect. If we have a big group with lots of people, that’s where disagreements and troubles start.

Small is beautiful, folks.

For all individuals who wish to start off something like what XY Soo has done (well, at least he has 3 families helping him, I had none!), if you wish to seek our medical subsidy to start off, we are always here to help.

Let’s do this for the animals, folks. They need our help.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/01/18/tales-wed-like-to-hear-cnrm-ers-going-strong/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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