
Sunshine Is Ready For Adoption!!


This afternoon, my friend brought Sunshine over to my new house for a visit!!

I haven’t even had time to visit Sunshine lately as I’ve been so busy with house-moving (not just mine alone, but also my parents’ – there’s contractors to supervise and appointments to wait for, etc., it just takes up all my time every afternoon till late evening).

 Hello, hello, Sunshine!!  Welcome!

Gosh, look at that, folks!  Sunshine is walking, as well as any normal dog. Well yes, she still needs a wee bit of help, but my friend says Sunshine’s improvement grows by leaps and bounds every single day. It is nothing short of being AMAZING!! Sunshine also has the benefit of youth in her, thus, healing is faster, and of course, the tender-loving and committed care from my friend.

 She’s a VERY happy little dog.

 This is to prevent her left foot from knuckling. It’s a makeshift bandage which even has a chinese soup spoon in it! Ingenious gear, I must say.

 Sunshine showing off her tricks!

 She waits for the command before eating.
She is definitely a very intelligent and train-able dog.

 And very pretty, too!
She has some Dashchund blood in her.

 Bobby meets Sunshine.


 Sunshine wasn’t too interested in Bobby because there was a fly, and she was obsessed with it!


My friend says Sunshine is ready for adoption, preferably in about 2 weeks. She expects Sunshine to be completely well  then. The adopter actually would not need to do much except to love Sunshine to bits!  Sunshine does not need acupuncture anymore (Dr Susanna says she’s doing so well and is in very good health). She also does not need physiotherapy, but if the adopter wishes to learn, my friend would only be too glad to share all that she knows. Sunshine can pee and poo on her own and is in fact, a very clean dog, too.

She is very intelligent and is train-able. I mean, look at her perform the treat-on-paw trick. She also knows how to sit and lie down, and she listens and obeys.

Here’s where we need everybody’s help. Sunshine is up for adoption now. We ask all of you to please help forward this link to as many contacts as you can so that together, we can help Sunshine find a Forever Home.

Those interested in adopting Sunshine, please contact my friend, Lydia at 017-6623238.

For a quick recap, Sunshine was discovered paralysed by a couple in Cheras. According to the couple, Sunshine had been beaten up by residents the night before. I enlisted help and Sunshine was picked up and brought to our vet. Our vet confirmed that Sunshine was paralysed (X-Rays shows her spinal column was completely obliterated and there was no more deep pain sensation). Since euthanasia is not an option for us, we opted for non-mainstream (acupuncture, Chinese medicine, homeopathy, Stemcells, physiotherapy) and nothing would have been possible had my friend, Lydia, not agreed to look after and rehabilitate Sunshine.

Now, 9 weeks fast-forwarded, Sunshine has grown from strength to strength and the once-paralysed dog can walk again!!

It IS a total miracle and miracles do happen if we all put in the effort to do whatever it takes.

Meanwhile, we shall continue to sponsor all of Sunshine’s medical needs. Her latest vet bill is RM149 .

Here’s a message from my friend, who has requested anonymity for the past nine weeks ever since she started taking care of Sunshine. At long last, I can introduce this heaven-sent angel to all of you – her name is Lydia. But Lydia says no photographs, please. Lydia does physiotherapy rehabilitation for animals, a skill she learnt while she was living in Bali. She has helped many animals (declared paralysed by vets) walk again. Currently, someone had been following Sunshine’s progress and wrote to me requesting help for her paralysed cat. Lydia will be helping this lady with her cat next.

This is why I always ask that we share stories and experiences, folks. It’s all part of creating the awareness and sharing information. You’ll never know how far and widely it can inspire others to do the same.

Here’s a message from Lydia after today’s visit:

Hi Kah Yein,
Today is a day of Remembering and Appreciating for us…
today’s visit by Sunshine and myself to your place was also to say on Sunshine’s behalf, a heartfelt thank you for being the person to open your heart to helping her and for not giving up on her. Sunshine’s story of goodness started with you and the kind couple of called for help. In return we are so pleased to show you that Sunshine is happy and well and still healing. Thank you for your warm welcome. As I write this, Sunshine is flat out, probably from the excitement of our excursion earlier so that’s an afternoon well spent.

Going for the excursion.

All flat out…after the excursion.

I’m so glad what seems to have been a mild infection is no longer evident in today’s urine test and her PH is back to normal as with everything else.
Thank you and to all her contributors, thank you for your kindness and willingness to help out with Sunshine’s expenses and well wishes.
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” Helen Keller
We are on Week 9 and Sunshine gets to do whatever she wants in terms of movement around the house and garden at least 4 times a day when she needs to pee and/or poo. Her activities are closely supervised by me and thankfully next week we have the CNY break so i can be home more to let her spend more time roaming the garden or house as she pleases. She has had enough of being confined and I came home today after working in the morning to find that she had stuck her snout out of the cage and grabbed whatever she could and had happily got to work shredding everything within her reach. She is healing faster than the time frame I had planned for her and is still racing ahead. Hopefully by the end of next week she can go about unsupervised but with her rehab gear to keep up her rehab efforts.
I can see improvements over a matter of 48 hours at a time!! I count the steps she takes in  20s to keep track of how much she improves without knuckling with the aid of her rehab gear.
I reckon her hind legs will be hardly knuckling in 2 weeks time if we keep up the rehab efforts. She will then be ready for her Forever Home. Ideally she would love to go to a home which has other or another dog as she is very playful and loves the company of my dogs and cats. She tags around with my older dog as if she wants an older sister to learn from and hang out with. It’s very endearing to see her rush up to our older dog (who previously also suffered from total rear paralysis) and run alongside with her observing everything she does and follows suit.
She tries to paw and bark at my cats in invitation to play but it’s not appreciated as she hasn’t yet learnt all the cat manners.
Since she is young and has a lot of energy (although currently, she still tires as she is slowly regaining her strength), she will match a family who is also relatively active.
My hope and preference is for Sunshine to find and go to her Forever Home, rather than go from fosterer to fosterer. We are happy to have her with us up till week12 which will take us to mid Feb. By that time, I would expect that her rehab would be mostly completed and a stranger would probably find it difficult to guess her past.
“Hope never abandons you; you abandon it.” -George Weinberg
Best regards,

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/01/18/sunshine-is-ready-for-adoption/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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