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   « Back To Listing Whitey & Brownie (The Dog-friendly Cats)
Whitey & Brownie (The Dog-friendly Cats) - Domestic Short Hair Cat
Owner's Pet
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileMale, 6 Years 3 Months
Amount2 Pets
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBrown, White
LocationKajang, Selangor
Posted13 Jul 2020 (Updated 6 Feb 2025)
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Whitey & Brownie are two young brothers staying outside my house. Here's their story:

A stray mommy cat had a litter of kitties in the row of houses where I'm currently staying. I started feeding the family of four (1 mom, 3 kittens) but the mom later disappeared and so did another kitten. All that was left were these two brothers, who started off being hissy at me but later became super manja.

Brownie is the naughty one. He is very playful but quiet. For every 10 meows I've heard from his brother, I think I've only heard one from Brownie. He will nibble at you every now and then and will poke at your things because he's curious and has a very explorative nature. He likes to explore the room and sniff and kepohchi every corner. He loves and is obsessed with curtains and windows so do ensure you keep them closed. He will help kill the insects, cockroaches, lizards, baby snakes and rats in your home and garden. He's caught them all. ☺️

Whitey is the more vocal but lazy one. He'll let you know when he wants something and he wants it NOW. He is more clingy than his brother but also more affectionate and gentle. He will lean into your touch and definitely enjoys having his body touch yours. Although more vocal, he is less naughty and seems content to just lay around near you. I don't think I've ever felt him use his claws on me even once. He also eats way more than his bro - that's why he's fatter! He wants to eat several times a day and demands it. I try not to overfeed him as he's already fat. :( He catches insects too but his brother is more active.

Usually after feeding them, I tend to head further to feed other cats in the vicinity and the two brothers enjoy accompanying me on the short walk. They also like to greet me when I arrive home and as I park my car (so cute!). You can view them in these videos.

I prefer the potential adopter to adopt these siblings together as they seem braver when they are together. I will screen potential adopters on a case-by-case basis.

The adopter is to provide updates (photos/videos) every now and then (so I know that they are well taken care of). If you can no longer keep them for whatever reason, please return them to me. I will be asking some questions to determine the adopter's suitability.

Both have been fully vaccinated for 2020, neutered, dewormed and de-flead. They're also litter box-trained.

They are both friendly with my dog but that took some time and also because my dog loves cats.

The adopter will receive their medical cards and some of their things to help them adapt to a new environment.
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Click on photo to view photo gallery, or mouse over for preview

Don't we look like twins?
Don't we look like twins?

The fat Whitey loves his box.
The fat Whitey loves his box.

Hey hey. Watchu guys doing? Can I join?
Hey hey. Watchu guys doing? Can I join?

Oh. It's just my dog-friend.
Oh. It's just my dog-friend.

This is my best angle!
This is my best angle!

Making myself at home.
Making myself at home.

Whitey is clingy and uber cute.
Whitey is clingy and uber cute.

"It's okay. You got a friend in me."
"It's okay. You got a friend in me."

We are lazy, sleepy brudders (version 2)
We are lazy, sleepy brudders (version 2)

We are brudders (version 1)
We are brudders (version 1)

Brownie doing light stretchies
Brownie doing light stretchies

Whitey is so photogenic!
Whitey is so photogenic!

Making my bed their home
Making my bed their home

Brownie looking ala royale
Brownie looking ala royale

Brownie so posey
Brownie so posey

Brownie the naughty cat that climbed my bed frame
Brownie the naughty cat that climbed my bed frame

Show All Photos »
Whitey the fatty and Brownie the nosy
Whitey the fatty and Brownie the nosy

Kitties taking me on a walk

Greeting me after work

Lazy Whitey lazing on my bed

Whitey the manja kitty

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