Hi guys, last time i posted 4 pets for adoption, and stated them as Golden Retriever mixed with Blegian Shepherd... and all of them been adopted happily... after few months, i do rendomly check on the adopters... and sadly 1 of them did not do wat they had promised before i pass the doggy to them! i saw the doggy(current name is blackie) was closed inside a cage evryday, getting slimmer and always over excited when got oppotunity come out from the cage!
i asked the owner why his son never do what should have been done as an "responsbile owner", he told me his son was concentrating on badminton competition for these few months... which i felt so disapointed and made decision to get him back!
so now i will seek for a new "Serious, responsible adpoter"! please contact me at.
the minimum requirement, kindly look back the last post of mine... btw, after check all the puppies outlook after they get bigger and bigger, i think that the dog's parent's are GR + Dalmation rather than GR + Belgian Shepherd... due to the body type, leg are big bones...
as we know, Belgian shepherd is medium type of dog... kindly refer the photos :-)