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   « Back To Listing Affectionate One Waiting For Owner!
Affectionate One Waiting For Owner! - Mixed Breed Dog
DogMixed Breed
ProfileMale, 16 Years 4 Months
Amount2 Pets
VaccinatedNot Sure
DewormedNot Sure
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBrown, Cream, White
LocationPj, Selangor
Posted26 Jan 2010 (Updated 12 Apr 2010)
Adoption FeeFREE
more about him:
1) loves children
2) very gentle
3) loves the company of another dog (adopting his brother too would be great!!!)
4) curious about cats (but don't attack)
5) loves running
6) enjoys human attention

* * * * *
This adorable, obedient, affectionate dog was found in Ara Damansara along with two other "strays" - one black, another his colour with patches too.

He has on a frayed yellowish collar, so he could've been lost for a while, as he's also very skinny, and he's already neutered when found. Estimated age to be about 1 year old, as he still pees like a gal and has young teeth and good skin.
Found in Ara Damansara, though he could've come from anywhere if he's been lost for sometime.

He knows how to sit, shake hand and come. He can walk off-leash following people (those who show kindness to him). He sits well in the car. VERY PEOPLE FRIENDLY (so must've been treated very well by humans during his early months).

He was hanging around near an unoccupied house in the residential area with the two other dogs despite occasionally being beaten by one particular resident who dislike "strays." They also take shelter at a nearby field in the residential area. They've been roaming the area probably since December 2009.

If nobody claims him in a week, we'd like to have him adopted! This is a dog that will reward it's keepers with affection and guarding of family property! He is kept at a neighbour's house for a few days, and he will bark at unknown passers-by and unknown cars parked near the house. Would be great if adopters take in another of his buddies from the streets too. He loves attention and freedom. When chained, will whine CONTINUOUSLY for attention if he knows that dog-lovers are within hearing distance. When left to roam free within the compound of the home, he's a real darling! He's quiet, he naps, he's playful when people are around, he's alert when he sees strangers - the perfect dog for a family who'd spend time playing and running/walking him!
He makes a wonderful companion dog as well as an alert dog (eg. alert family of possible intruders).

Would be great if new owners can take in 2 or more pets. We've taken in this lovely dog and his 2 companions, and he seems to love having other dogs around!

Note: SAFE AROUND CATS! He's curious in chasing and approaching them, but non-agressive and stays 2 feet away from usually hissing cats that he approaches!

update on: 1st Feb 2010
Open for adoption!!!

This darling doggie is now kept with another stray who appears to be the "brother". The brother was found intact, and when they first started roaming Ara Damansara, was average in weight. however, after roaming for over a month (as sighted by rescuer), he got skinnier and skinnier. The brother is very good on leash, hardly barks, just wags tail when see loving humans and doesn't jump.

would be great if a family can adopt BOTH DOGS, as they tend to be happier and quieter and get to play together.
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loves to give his paw or even "hug" people by standing on his legs and resting it on the tummy/waist
loves to give his paw or even "hug" people by standing on his legs and resting it on the tummy/waist

Scrawny as I am, I love to sit and stretch on the grass too!
Scrawny as I am, I love to sit and stretch on the grass too!

with playmate: a black beauty with adorable personality and equally young! both roam the streets tog
with playmate: a black beauty with adorable personality and equally young! both roam the streets tog

I'm very agile and can even squeeze through this gate! please FEED ME!
I'm very agile and can even squeeze through this gate! please FEED ME!

Affectionate One Waiting For Owner! - Mixed Breed Dog

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Share your comments here4 Comments
Ramin   Jan 26th 2010 at 9:32PM
Hi Yen, which part of Ara Damansara was this dog found? I can help by asking folks in that area (and the surrounding neighbourhoods), if anyone has lost their dog.

Another dog "Rusty" was also found in Ara Damansara area - http://www.petfinder.my/pets/9646/

Good luck!
yensmiles   Jan 27th 2010 at 8:29AM
hi Ramin, he's found roaming the neighbourhood, houses near a Petronas and small row of shops.. but was hanging out in the terraced houses and playgrounds/fields.

He's very very gentle and sweet, though super-active.

We're going to give it another week or so before putting him for adoption. He was kept at my neigbour's for about 4 days in which he whines for attention most of the time when he realises that kind-souls are around. Hence we've let him lose again in Ara Damansara, but he hangs around outside my friend's house along with the other black dog. Now that he knows we care, he whines more!

We're really hoping his owner is still alive! He's much too well-loved and friendly to humans (to be abandoned!).
MelissaK   Jan 27th 2010 at 2:36PM
Hi yensmiles, have linked this posting in the Ara Damansara forum, hope the owner will claim him:
yensmiles   Jan 27th 2010 at 7:28PM
thanks MelissaK!
am really hoping someone claims him soon! he loves and craves for human attention, as well as a good run, so much that he'd probably be really out of place if we've to put him in Furry Friends Farm!

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