Remember my friend – ADOPT, DON’T BUY! Keep in mind that a pet is a LIFETIME commitment.
Adoption fee includes the expenses of BASIC medical care of the animal : deworming + neutering + full vaccinations + microchip.
杜绝黑心繁殖,选择领养不购买! 谨记,宠物是一辈子的责任,领养不弃养。
领养费用包括 狗狗的结扎费用 + 驱虫 + 注射预防针 + 注射宠物晶片,这些是狗狗应得的医药福利。
-------Ruyi and Jia Xiang's Reborn Story-------
🐱 : 『帮帮我好吗... 我的孩子就在垃圾桶里面😢』
发生在初三凌晨一点多,新年佳节,我们却像疯子一样在街头翻垃圾桶 ... 因为有只早上刚出世的小浪猫被人丢进了垃圾桶里! 😡 另一只小猫还拖着胎盘在地上发抖哭喊
一到现场心痛的看到它们还在... 找到了拖着胎盘的那只,找了很久还找不到另一只,绝望的坐在阶梯讨论该怎么办的时候,却听到垃圾桶里传来了非常微弱的小猫求救声 ... 果然在里面
店员说它们早上就出生了,挨饿受冻苦撑了超过12小时 ... 终于等到了希望
两只小猫一公一母,取名 『吉祥』 和 『如意』,猫妈妈取名 『进宝』,猫妈妈感冒、口腔也溃烂了,但小奶猫如果完全没喝到母奶很难存活,目前暂养义工协助她一起抚养小猫,进宝也在吃着药了,希望它们都能平安健康
浪浪迫切需被结扎,结扎了这样的惨剧就大大减少了 😥
很多人都在等,想着 『应该会有人帮忙吧』
但就站在垂死生命面前的你,其实就是那个最能及时帮到它们的人,希望每个人都能学着伸出援手吧! 🙏 #领养结扎不弃养
** ** ** ** **
一份帮助 l 一个希望,感恩
Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai
或 成为HOPE每月希望助养人或 游览HOPE义卖商铺购买小商品,盈利都将帮助毛小孩 🙏 (UPDATED):
(eng version below)
(从垃圾桶里救援的初生小猫吉祥 & 如意 -
小朋友们正在努力长大中~ 😍 昨天开始会走路了,顺利从笼子的左边走到右边,而且还会突然向我们狂奔过来 😅 它们清醒的时间也变长了,时常看到它们没睡觉,傻不隆冬的睁大眼睛在发呆 😁 想努力看清这个世界,真的超萌 ❤
一个月以下的小猫很容易因小病小痛而夭折 ... 最算到了两个月大,还是让我们步步惊心,需要很小心呵护它们的健康
吉祥、如意目前开放预约领养中哟 ~ (一公一母,只是预约而已🙏),我们交给领养人的最低年龄是两个多月大 (等到它们可以自己吃硬干粮的时候),目前吉祥、如意大约22天大
有意预约领养的朋友,请联系我们 ❤ (努力祈祷希望两姐弟能幸运去到同一个好家庭
Many friends have been asking how's Ji Xiang and Ruyi doing.
(Newborn kitten rescued from the trash bin earlier -
Both babies are working hard to grow up 😍. They even learned to walk yesterday, and we often see that they refuse to sleep and wide open their eyes in a daze 😁 Trying to see the world clearly ❤
Ruyi is a girl, but stronger than the boy Ji Xiang, she also opened her eyes earlier than Ji Xiang. Earlier, both had a little flu, but fortunately, the foster volunteer helped to keep warm and take care of them every day, they became stronger and stronger.
Kittens under one month can easily die due to minor illnesses and minor pains ... Even at the age of two months old, we still need to be very careful about their health.
Such a fragile little life should never appear on the streets. Before they were born, what we could do was to sterilize more strays.
Ruyi & Ji Xiang is now open for adoption reservation (just for reservation only), the minimum age we can give to adopters is more than two months old (wait until they can eat dry kibbles by themselves)
Friends who're interested to give them a home, please contact us at ❤ (Pray hard and hope both siblings can go to the same family)
*Puppies and kittens under two months are not easy to take care of, and we even heard before that the rescued pet died because the adopter is lacking of experience to take care of, so we have the above regulations.*
#HopeAdopt #HopeRescue