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   « Back To Listing Batu The Manja Pot
Batu The Manja Pot  - Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileMale, 6 Years 1 Month
BodySmall Size, Medium Fur
LocationKuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan
Posted1 Mar 2020 (Updated 15 Mar 2020)
Adoption FeeRM 250
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BATU the manja pot

This black cat was wondering outside a Speedmart aimlessly when his rescue mama, Eliane, saw him. Initialy Elaine walked away, not certain if she has the capacity to help him. However the image of this black cat kept appearing in her mind so she started asking around what she could do to help his skin condition. She was asked to give cream. So she went looking for him.

To Elaine’s horror his condition was worst than expected. He had very serious case of mange & chronic flu. He could not eat for days & almost died in the process of treatment. It took 3 months to restore his health...he had certainly went through a lot.

Elaine call this handsome black boy Batu coz he was looking very much like one when he seeked help from her. Mange is a terrible skin condition. Other than looking unsightly, it is extremely itchy 24/7 and the cracky skin exposed him to infection which could lead to death if not trated timely.

Batu is 100% black eatimated about 1 year old. Being very healthy now, he weights at 5kg+ . But, beneath theat majectic looking front, he is a super manja pot. He loves following Elaine around & rubbing her feet. Even the most hissy cat eventually became friendly with Batu. Given a chance he would love sleeping next to you and chill...

Batu is neutered, vaccinated, dewormed & deflead. We also have a “foster to adopt” program in case you would like to give it a try before deciding on adoption.

If you're keen to adopt him, pls feel free to fill up the form below :

Caticorn & Dogicorn is a unique animal adoption drive organized by Sherlyn Tan (IG: sherlyn_mama). Through her wide social media presence, Sherlyn collaborates with venue owners and vendors to hold events. 10% of their proceeds will go to the continual funding of the drive. In return, she promotes their services for FREE.

At Caticorn & Dogicorn, we have a two-prong approach:
1. to specialize in providing a space for rescuers or NGOs to put their spayed/neutered, disabled or special needs cats & dogs up for adoption,
2. to help these animals gain more traction and awareness.

We will also continue to contribute & sponsor the TNR initiatives to sterilise the stray cats and dogs. And we work with vets who are in line with our cause.
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Batu The Manja Pot  - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Batu The Manja Pot  - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Batu The Manja Pot  - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Batu The Manja Pot  - Domestic Short Hair Cat

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