Remember my friend – ADOPT, DON’T BUY! Keep in mind that a pet is a LIFETIME commitment.
Adoption fee includes the expenses of BASIC medical care of the animal : deworming + neutering + full vaccinations + microchip.
杜绝黑心繁殖,选择领养不购买! 谨记,宠物是一辈子的责任,领养不弃养。
领养费用包括 狗狗的结扎费用 + 驱虫 + 注射预防针 + 注射宠物晶片,这些是狗狗应得的医药福利。
Hallo! I am Wangwang, an older female around here :D Just like my name Wangwang suggests, I like to believe that I am a very fortunate doggo with a life full of comfort and love ahead of me! There's just one problem - I still don't have a forever home to call my own :( I am very positive and never fail to look at the bright side of things! No matter who calls my name, I always feel a sense of happiness and will run over with my huge infectious smile in response