Remember my friend – ADOPT, DON’T BUY! Keep in mind that a pet is a LIFETIME commitment.
Adoption fee includes the expenses of BASIC medical care of the animal : deworming + neutering + full vaccinations + microchip.
杜绝黑心繁殖,选择领养不购买! 谨记,宠物是一辈子的责任,领养不弃养。
领养费用包括 狗狗的结扎费用 + 驱虫 + 注射预防针 + 注射宠物晶片,这些是狗狗应得的医药福利。
Helloo... Nice to meet you :) I know it may not seem like it but I'm actually really happy to see you! I'm just a little shy in front of strangers >< I'm an older female dog here who doesn't have a name but I would really love it if you could give me one when you bring me home! People like to say my eyes are very soulful... I think it's because I've got so many experiences and stories that I haven't told anyone yet.. But I've been hoping to find the special hooman who can listen to my stories and take care of me forever! Will you please be my special hooman?
哈咯。。很高兴今天能够见到你 :) 我知道我表情现在看起来非常严肃,但是我真的很兴奋!我只是一只比较慢热的狗狗,所以在不熟的人面前会显得有些害羞 >< 我是中年的母狗,目前还没有名字。。但你带我回家就可以帮我取呀!很多人都说过我眼睛很亮好像会说话。。我想是因为我经历了很多,故事也因此比平常的狗狗多!我一直在找一位能耐心听着我的故事,爱我一生一世的主人!你是不是我的有缘人啊?
Interested to adopt? Kindly read our requirements and call us to discuss further, thank you :)
- Strictly NO tying/caging for long period and NO free roam
- Must agree to neuter and bring for yearly vaccination
- Provide balanced meals, fresh water and shelter all the time
- Allow for home visit
- Love and treat pet like your own precious family members
想领养的朋友请确保能履行基本的主人责任,有兴趣领养者请直接联系我们了解更多,谢谢 :)
- 不能长时间关 / 绑狗狗,他们需要基本的自由,也不能放养
- 必须同意结扎和每年为宠物注射例行预防针
- 提供营养均衡的饮食,干净食水和能遮风挡雨的安全地方居住
- 同意义工们上门探访
- 把宠物视为家人,好好用爱对待它们