Remember my friend – ADOPT, DON’T BUY! Keep in mind that a pet is a LIFETIME commitment.
Adoption fee includes the expenses of BASIC medical care of the animal : deworming + neutering + full vaccinations + microchip.
杜绝黑心繁殖,选择领养不购买! 谨记,宠物是一辈子的责任,领养不弃养。
领养费用包括 狗狗的结扎费用 + 驱虫 + 注射预防针 + 注射宠物晶片,这些是狗狗应得的医药福利。
Henlo hoomans! I'm Yogi, a 4-year-old male doggo. I may no longer be a young pup but I'm still very young at heart (and very cute too)! I've got lots of energy and I'm really curious about the world around me, so I will be up for any adventure you'd like to bring me on :D I've previously injured my back leg a little but have since recovered and can move around all by myself now heheh :) Also, I'm a little scared of other dogs but am very loving towards all hoomans! Do adopt me into your loving home because I am overflowing with love to give as well <3
朋友们好!:) 我是四岁的男毛孩 Yogi~ 虽然不再是当年的小狗狗,我还是一样活泼可爱滴!我特别活跃,也对周围的世界充满着好奇心。。要是有任何出游的机会,我会很乐意当您的跟屁虫!我的后腿有受过伤,但现在都能自己走来走去蹦蹦跳跳的(说实话我已忘了后退受过伤呵呵)。。。我对其他狗狗会提高警惕,但对人就非常热情!希望您看了我的照片之后会一见钟情而领我回家!
Interested to adopt? Kindly read our requirements and call us to discuss further, thank you :)
- Strictly NO tying/caging for long period and NO free roam
- Must agree to neuter and bring for yearly vaccination
- Provide balanced meals, fresh water and shelter all the time
- Allow for home visit
- Love and treat pet like your own precious family members
想领养的朋友请确保能履行基本的主人责任,有兴趣领养者请直接联系我们了解更多,谢谢 :)
- 不能长时间关 / 绑狗狗,他们需要基本的自由,也不能放养
- 必须同意结扎和每年为宠物注射例行预防针
- 提供营养均衡的饮食,干净食水和能遮风挡雨的安全地方居住
- 同意义工们上门探访
- 把宠物视为家人,好好用爱对待它们