Panda's mother (Snoopy) got pregnant accidentally before i managed to get her spay, as the vet advised to spay after she got heat. There were a total of 10 puppies, all were adopted but Panda as Panda's adopters last minute decided to not take him in, and considering their living environment, i decided to take care of Panda.
Panda is a very playful, active, cheeky and smart puppy. Loves to have attention and are very friendly with children too.
Currently my living environment had been forced to changed and is unable to accommodate for pets. Panda is used to living outdoors as I have a big compound, but adapts easily as long as love and care is given.
I pledge that someone can adopt them URGENTLY and would allow me to visit Panda, as I love them dearly. I hope to find a new loving family that would take care of Panda. I can pay for the cost of neuter for Panda if the new owner decided to neuter him.