Xena was only a month old (the runt of the litter) when we rescued her outside our office compound. She sustained serious injuries due to motobike acccident. We rushed her tp the vet and from there her tail was cut off to avoid infection spreading. One of her hind legs was fractured, thus the vet put metal wire inside for support.
She's a strong survivor and has been healthy and very active ever since. She loves to jump around (she's not crippled, she can walk and run like normal cats) and loves attention. A long stroke on her body will send her meowing at you.
She's neutered [updated 7th May 2010].
Only feeds on dry kibbles. Easy maintenance.
P/S: No cage confinement please, except in incidences of illness or injuries.
She is beautiful btw. Looks like she's wearing a mask. I hope u manage to find her a loving home.