Unfortunately, because of I need to go overseas (ASAP) permanently and it's not possible for me to bring Sebastian along, hence I need to find him a new loving home and caring owner.
Sebastian is the most affectionate cat who loves snuggles, leans into you and just loves being loved. Oh, he likes licking hair too, so sweet! I adopted him from PAWS (Subang) and I still remember how I felt in love with him right away when I saw him.
He has bronchitis (doctor said most likely he got it from his parents or other pets in the shelter) but it doesn't make him less active, he loves walking around home and play by himself. Even though I work full-time and leave him for at least 8-hours a day, he always nicely greets me every time I reach home. He's a very calm cat (never make noise) and will be attached with human easily as long as you give him love.
Sebastian is vaccinated and neutered. I think he must surely have been a pet before because he is a totally dedicated people's cat. He will need occasional extra care as he carries a souvenir from his shelter life, which is FIV positive, so he should be indoor all the time and be the only cat at home.
If you want a full-time companion and a cat who cuddles you back, Seb is definitely your man!