Here's the story on how I found the kitty. A stray female cat managed to enter our roof attic through the neighbour's house. It has given birth to kittens at the roof attic of my home a few times. Usually, after a few weeks, the female cat would abandon the kittens. They would usually cry for their mother and food. A few times, my husband would climbed into the roof attic to search and save the kittens. Unfortunately, he can't find them as they would run and hide at the neighbour's roof attic. And it's rather dangerous to walk at the roof attic as the floor is fragile.
When there's no choice, the hungry kittens would jump into my garden and my two dogs (which can't differentiate between kittens and rats) would usually hurt them. We managed to save a few and released them to the back alley. Some didn't survive my dogs' attack.
The same thing happened to this cute orange kitty (I temporarily call it Ginger). We found it covered with dust (from the roof attic) and wet with saliva (from my dogs!). It was so thirsty that it licked the dirty water when I bathed it. I'm currently feeding it milk.
Just let me know if you're interested with Ginger. I can't own Ginger as I have 2 dogs. It's a female, shy, and well-behaved (no nasty hissing!).