Last time I found this ginger stray cat living under the stair case, near parking lot basement at my condo (D’aman Crimson, Ara Damansara, Petaling Jaya, Selangor - near Citta Mall). He got a sad-looking face, was very shy and silent, and severely sick.
I got him to the vet and he was diagnosed with the flu virus, and he also got an ulcer in his throat which made him unable to eat or eat very few, and got drooling, too. After staying a while at the vet, the flu is no more but the ulcer still there, and he needs to keep using steroids to able to eat again.
For now he is being on-boarded at a foster place because I am not staying in Malaysia anymore, and without proper care, he will get sick again very fast, that's why I sent him there.
After nearly 3 months staying at foster's place, my fund for him is draining out.That’s why I am posting here to find a forever home with a kind-heart owner for him, who will love him unconditionally with proper care. Trust me, though he’s a mature cat but he’s very a sweet guy who love snuggling into you most of the time, or sometimes behaved like an adorable kitten, and will love you till the moon and back.
I can chip in for his neuter later when he get completely recovered, so you don’t have to worry about that.
Wish you all good thing and thank you.
P/S: he used to help rescue some kittens a few years back ago by meowing non-stop to get intention from my neighborhood, that's why they named him Hero. I named him Gung (which is Ginger in Vietnamese) because of his lovely fur color. He did good thing to save the kittens, so I really hope he can receive good care for the rest of his life.