Born in our home from our cats Basco the mother (Bombay) and Floki the father (Mainecoon).
His parents being dark in colour, there were only 3 babies of this colour.
Bzaazz, his name, when roughly translated means bosom. Because he is so dear to our hearts.
He is very sweet and makes the funniest faces. Bzaazz has a very round face and a rounder tummy.
He has a grown up meow and communicates a lot. Likes to cuddle when he feels like it especially after playing, waking up and before bed.
He is a momma’s boy, being the closest with his Mom, Basco, still. He will also go and lie down on his Dad, Floki when he wants to sleep.
His energy levels are moderate, playing with him once a day for 15 to 30 minutes should be enough. Bzaazz likes his space sometimes but does not like to be alone. He does not scratch or bite. As well as he is quite sociable and makes friends easily.
He will come from time to time and sit in my lap or give me kisses and gets very sad if he is ignored.He likes to give kisses and sit on our laps while watching TV.
He is also very sociable with other animals if introduced the right way.
He is playful as well as attentive so he will follow you around. He likes to keep me company whenever I am home. He is a very good companion and won’t leave me alone for even a little bit. He sits in the bathroom while I shower.
He is very clean and potty trained. He also tries to go clean messes that others have made. He is an extreme neat freak.
He is very gentle and does not bite and scratch. Also he is very polite and inquisitive. Likes to cuddle a lot. It is a necessity or else he gets upset. It is a great way to bond with him.He is very playful and likes belly rubs. He likes to talk and communicate.Bzaazz comes when he is called and listens when not told not to do something more than his siblings.He is used to being around other cats constantly and people. he is never alone. He sleeps on my legs every night or beside my head. Overall he has a wonderful and warm temperament.
He comes when called, and you will suddenly find him on your lap purring.
We are looking for a forever home who will give him the love that he deserves.
Born in our home from our cats Basco the mother (Bombay) and Floki the father (Mainecoon).
His parents being dark in colour, there were only 3 babies of this colour.
Bzaazz, his name, when roughly translated means bosom. Because he is so dear to our hearts.
He is very sweet and makes the funniest faces. Bzaazz has a very round face and a rounder tummy.
He has a grown up meow and communicates a lot. Likes to cuddle when he feels like it especially after playing, waking up and before bed.
He is a momma’s boy, being the closest with his Mom, Basco, still. He will also go and lie down on his Dad, Floki when he wants to sleep.
His energy levels are moderate, playing with him once a day for 15 to 30 minutes should be enough. Bzaazz likes his space sometimes but does not like to be alone. He does not scratch or bite. As well as he is quite sociable and makes friends easily.
He will come from time to time and sit in my lap or give me kisses and gets very sad if he is ignored.He likes t…
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