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   « Back To Listing Sewel (Aggressive Cat)
Sewel (Aggressive Cat) - Snowshoe Cat
ProfileMale, 9 Years 6 Months
VaccinatedNot Sure
DewormedNot Sure
NeuteredNot Sure
BodyLarge Size, Medium Fur
ColorBlack, White
LocationKerteh, Terengganu
Posted22 Sep 2019 (Updated 10 Nov 2019)
Adoption FeeFREE
  1 Comment
-It is a male, medium hair, long tail, black with small white patches cat. About 3 to 4 kg (quite big).
-This cat is for adoption for those who is willing to take the challenge because:

It is found wondering around our and neighbours single storey terrace houses and not afraid to keep entering the houses and cause havoc, although we keep chasing it using water spray onto its face and do not feed/allow it to eat our cats food. If we spray water onto its body, there is no effect. In one of our neighbours house it pass faeces on their bed, and they have to pay RM60 for some one to clean it. In another neighbour house it keep entering ,spray urine (not urinate on the floor) and chase her cat inside the house. It even spray urine at her leg.

In our house it also keep entering and fight with our 5 cats. Usually we keep our cats some outdoor, some indoor, but because it keep fighting with our cat and we always have to wake up in the middle of the night to chase him, we decide to keep all our 5 cats indoor, but keep the door about 6 inches open with the grill lock so that our cat can pass urine/faeces outside the house.

Cats with normal behaviour have teritory, and they will not invade other cats teritory/house and attack them there or enter peoples houses strangers to them. But this cat behaviour is not like this, thus not normal, so we give the name "Sewel" in Malay meaning unsound/sick minded.

Somebody have put a collar with a bell at this cat and the colar have been changed a few times. It is not afraid of people, and if we chase it without spraying water, it roll on the ground and we can touch/catch it easily. It also looked well/healthy. So we think it has an owner. We ask many people around our houses who are the owner or who know the owner. Nobody knows. If there is no owner, probably, the colar is put by childrens. Because it cause havoc, and owner not found, our neighbour and us think of putting this cat away from our houses at the fish market.

So on 29Aug2019, we take this cat to a fish market across the main road with heavy trafic 3 km away because my wife and I have to go outstation for 2 days on midnight 30Aug2019 midnight and leave our house without people.
Around 2Sept2019 after we come back from outstation, when we pass by the market I ask my wife, why not we go around the market to see if Sewel is ok because I feel sad if Sewel cannot find food, but my wife say now is night and we cannot see him.
Then around 4 or 5Sept2019, I was surprise to see Sewel in front of our door with a nice new blue colar and a bell. At the market it was having a not so nice brown colar without bell.Beside feeling surprise (and worry of havoc) I also feel relief because dont have to worry Sewel is unable to find food. Sewel must have find its way back 3 km and have cross the busy main road. I wander whether it manage to find food in that around 5 days on the way back. Probably the owner saw Sewel in poor condition when it come back, that is why the colar is changed to a new nicer one. We write a message on a piece of paper telling problems about this cat, asking owner to identify him/herself, and telling how to take care of Sewel. We fold the paper and taped it to the blue colar. After about 2 days, I saw the paper was gone but the blue colar was there. Probably the owner have read the message (or children have removed it).

At night we continue keeping our 5 cats indoor with the front door slightly open. One night on wednesday 18Sept2019 around 2 midnight, my wife and I was awaken by Sewel fighting (not just making noise to start a fight) with our 8 kg cat (much bigger than him) on the stairs going to the roof inside our house. My wife use a broom stick to make loud noise and I use a water spray bottle to seperate the fight. When seperated, our cat ran away towards the front door. Sewel chase and fight again inside the house near the front door. When they fight, using water spray and pushing seems to have no effect. Since so difficult to seperate the fight, I also push with my leg. When seperated again and my cat ran away, Sewel attack my leg and bite like fighting, probably thinking my leg is the cat that he was fighting with and chasing, causing a big bleeding. While "fighting" with my leg, my wife hit him with the broom stick to release from my leg. Another thing we learn and for others info is, try to seperate a fighting cat by making a sudden loud noise like a fire cracker, example by hitting the floor/road/wall strongly with a stick or penyapu lidi (broom). On Thursday 19 Sept I go to clinic to prevent complications. On Friday onwards I have to use a long walking stick because my leg swells and it is painfull when I stand and straighten my leg. Before the swell, it was not so painful.

Now, at night, I keep all our cats indoor with the door fully closed, although they pass faeces and urine everywhere in my house and is very smelly, because of this problem.

On Sat 21Sept2019 -10 am, I go to Kerteh police station to tell about this problem. The police seems to have "headache" thinking how to solve the problem. At one point in the discussion, the police suggest to bring the cat to police station. I said I have a cats cage and can lend them, but who is going to feed it, I asked. The police said that I should feed it. I said I dont want because it is not my cat. Then I ask what do you all want to do with the cat, surely you all are not going to put the cat in the lock up. It will not solve the problem. The 3 police personnel, my wife and I smile. Finally the police decided not to take the cat to the police station and said if issue arise with the owner of the cat later (if we put the cat at fish market/away), the police will call the owner and us again to the police station. Official
report was also decided not written, but this discussion was recorded in writing at the police station.

After coming back from police station, we write this story (in Malay) in the KERTEH facebook group that have 19,000 members, to identify the cat owner. (Kerteh is a small town in Terengganu, Malaysia).

Then on 22Sept2019 we advertise/write this story (in English) in petfinder.my web, to get adoption.

28 Sept 2019: Sewel had to be sent to Dungun market. If anybody is interested to adopt, I am willing to search him back.

If anybody is willing to adopt Sewel, I suggest the cat is neutered (operated) so that hopefully the sick-minded/aggressive character reduce a bit and he will not reproduce other cats like him, and Sewel is kept as indoor cat. I am willing to send about 100km away free. If nobody is willing to adopt him I have no choice but with sadness have to put him at fish market 20 km or 40 km away, although I do not like to do that.

The above story is writen in chronological order, that is according to time, which happens first is writen first.

Mukhtarizan.---Kg Baru, Kertih, Terengganu, Malaysia.
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Sewel (Sick minded) on 29Aug2019
Sewel (Sick minded) on 29Aug2019

Sewel (Sick minded) on 29Aug2019
Sewel (Sick minded) on 29Aug2019

Sewel (Sick minded) on 29Aug2019
Sewel (Sick minded) on 29Aug2019

Sewel (Sick minded) on 4Sep2019
Sewel (Sick minded) on 4Sep2019

Sewel (Sick minded) on 4Sep2019
Sewel (Sick minded) on 4Sep2019

Share your comments here1 Comment
mukhtarizan   Nov 10th 2019 at 3:31PM
This cat was send to Dungun fish market on 28 Sept 2019, but on 3 Oct 2019 somebody send e-mail to adopt the cat. I did not realise the e-mail and read it on 10Nov2019, then immediately contact this person. Now I am going to search back the cat at Dungun. As far as petfinder.my is concerned, this case is closed. ......Mukhtarizan-10Nov2019.

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