My name is Felicia, i am two years old. Me and my two brothers were dumped when we were still babies. We have all been vaccinated and neutered. My brother Felix was adopted and my other brother Freddy was hit by a car almost a year ago so now i'm the only one left.
I live outside this house and am fed well. I used to be shy but now i like being carried and cuddled. Im a manja girl and will tell you very loudly when I'm hungry. I also know how to run down the road like a speeding bullet grumbling once i see her come home.....its mamam time!
Unfortunately i cannot get into the house because there are 3 crazy dogs always trying to have me for supper. Sometimes my friends come to visit me and have dinner with me but I guess they are busy most of the time. I get lonely here, i have no friends and sometimes it rains so hard i get so scared.
Anyone have some space for me?