dua2 betina
sangat manja
suka tidur dekat2
boleh train untuk jadi lap cat
bulu cantik (bulu akan jadi lebih fluffy kalau bagi makan yg berkualiti sbb mak diorg ni mixed parsi)
both are females
very cuddly
they love to sleep together with you
can be train to be a lap cat
beautiful fur (their fur can be fluffier if being feed with quality food as their mother is a persian mixed)
kalau boleh ambil dekat rumah sbb ada masalah transportation. sebarang soalan boleh ws terus.
if possible we need you to fetch them at home due to the transportation problem on my behalf. can ws me for any inquiries
(need to find adopter asap as im going back to college on 21st. if not my mom gonna release them outside. i want them to have a forever home and someone to take care of them)