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Uki is rescued in klang about 8-9 months he's the guy with the long tail, and Leo is a short tail guy rescued near my home 6-7 months old, lighter in color but he's going to grow way bigger than Ukimaki, he's already bigger than his brother , both are very manja with me and each other. They groom each other well, their ears are so clean and also they look like twin, have the same fur color, except one id lighter and one has short tail which he can be so cute when he wiggles those tail when they play, always get me. They akways greeting me by the door, i rescued them when they were about 2-3 months. Leo is a scaredy cat, lice treated, i never got them sterilised because they are both fine cat, naughty as a usual cat would be. This is my 4th and 5th rescued. I thought i want to keep them, but circumstances changes, I will be working overseas, i can't bring them with me because I will be moving around. I think they are good together, it would be devastating to them if they got separated, i just hope they get a good home that will take care of them both well.