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Tippy - Tabby + Calico Cat
In Heaven
CatTabby + Calico
ProfileFemale, 3 Months
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Gray, White
LocationShah Alam, Selangor
Posted7 Jul 2019 (Updated 13 Jan 2021)
  1 Comment
Tippy is a very playful and active girl and will never let up any chance for playtime and pouncing sessions. She is extremely agile and flexible, learning to climb up shelves and counter tops earlier than the rest of the litter. With her piercing blue eyes, white tipped paws and short silky coat, she is slender and very quick on her feet. She gets into all sorts of mischief and adventures with her brother, Tigger and frequently plays rough and pounces on her sister, TanTan. We call her the tomboy of the two female kittens. She is also very independant and very low maintenance.

Tippy can be shy when she has not warmed up to anyone but after a while, she loves a little rub and scratch on her belly and she will respond playfully with kickbacks of her hindlegs and a nibble of your hand. She is also very energetic, always eager to chase rolling plush balls (that makes a bell sound) and is usually seen tackling the ball in the air with her front paws, like a kitty football player. She loves her dry kibbles and readily snacks throughout the day. She loves scratching on pieces of cardboard.

Tippy is toilet trained from very early on and will only do No.1 and No.2 in a tray of cat litter. Like her feline mother, she is constantly cleaning and grooming herself. She no longer depends on her mother's milk and is fully capable of chewing on dry kibbles and other snacks and treats you can have her try. She is fed 3-4 times daily with plenty of fresh clean water and is extremely happy playing with fluffy balls, toy mice, cardboard boxes and just about anything that moves and makes a sound.

She is quite a lovable character and we love her to bits. We really hope that she finds a good forever home where she is loved and cared for as much as she was with us.

Back story: Her feline mother is a stray cat of mixed breed that we look after. She was pregnant earlier this year and we decided to take care of the kittens when she gave birth to them and to put them up for adoption when they were old enough to be on their own. This is her first pregnancy and she was healthy when she gave birth to the litter of three kittens in April 4th. Tippy is the youngest of the three.

TanTan, Tippy and Tigger are the three kittens from the same litter. They are all up for adoption on the PetFinder.com website.
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Tippy - Tabby + Calico Cat

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Share your comments here1 Comment
Rach1   Jul 22nd 2019 at 9:21PM
Hi there, is she still available to be adopted?

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