This listing is over 3 months. Kindly inform us if pet is no longer available, to help us maintain an accurate listing.
Trained and tamed 3-year-old male pup with strong bones
Anjing jantan yang berumur 3 tahun, sihat dengan tulang yang kuat
Bathed weekly and fed fresh milk, biscuits, chicken, and white rice
Dibasuh seminggu sekali dan diberi susu segar, biskut, ayam, dan nasi putih
Only available for adoption in Johor Bahru to Chinese homes or foreigners
Hanya tersedia untuk diambil di Johor Bahru untuk rumah yang berbangsa Cina atau orang asing
This puppy is 3 Healthy .strong bones.tamed n trained.stay at home dog. Daily meal.fresh milk.biscuits.chicken nwhite rice. Bath every week.
White in color.male. Anyone's want to kept him.For adopt. Not suitable those stay in KL,subang, Cos,they cannot simply drive 4 hour to JB at all
,dog is available in Johor Bahru only.
Strictly for Chinese home or foreigners only.
Anak anjing ini berusia 3 tahun sekarang. Sihat. Tulang kuat. Jinak dan terlatih. Anjing yang duduk di rumah. Makanan harian: susu segar, biskut, ayam dan beras putih. Dimandikan setiap minggu.
Berwarna putih, jantina jantan. Ada sesiapa yang mahu menjaganya. Boleh diambil untuk dijadikan rakan sepenat di rumah. Tidak sesuai untuk mereka yang tinggal di KL, Subang, kerana mereka tidak dapat memandu ke JB selama 4 jam.
Anjing ini hanya tersedia di Johor Bahru sahaja.
Hanya untuk rumah kaum Cina atau orang asing sahaja.
Hi why strictly for Chinese and foreigners? Since I'm a pendatang can I have him? If I'm Bangladeshi ok? Or if I'm a Nazi also ok? But do you want Chinese Bangladeshi or Chinese Nazi? Which one you prefer? Pls explain as soon as possible tanku I come and get him from you very fast. But make sure he Chinese dog also because if not Chinese dog I won't accept TQ do you eat milk bones also with strong muscles?
Hi why strictly for Chinese and foreigners? Since I'm a pendatang can I have him? If I'm Bangladeshi ok? Or if I'm a Nazi also ok? But do you want Chinese Bangladeshi or Chinese Nazi? Which one you prefer? Pls explain as soon as possible … show more
Hi why strictly for Chinese and foreigners? Since I'm a pendatang can I have him? If I'm Bangladeshi ok? Or if I'm a Nazi also ok? But do you want Chinese Bangladeshi or Chinese Nazi? Which one you prefer? Pls explain as soon as possible … show more
Hi why strictly for Chinese and foreigners? Since I'm a pendatang can I have him? If I'm Bangladeshi ok? Or if I'm a Nazi also ok? But do you want Chinese Bangladeshi or Chinese Nazi? Which one you prefer? Pls explain as soon as possible … show more
Hi why strictly for Chinese and foreigners? Since I'm a pendatang can I have him? If I'm Bangladeshi ok? Or if I'm a Nazi also ok? But do you want Chinese Bangladeshi or Chinese Nazi? Which one you prefer? Pls explain as soon as possible … show more