This gorgeous little girl is Abby.
Abby is a rescue puppy that was taken in by CARES (Companion Animal Rescue Effort Society (Cares) a couple of weeks ago.
Abby is still very young - around 7 weeks old. Abby has been de-wormed but yet to start her vaccinations due to her young age.
Abby is not spayed as yet because she is too young at the moment.
Abby is being fostered by us in Senibong Villas in Johor Bahru while we help find a family that Abby can live with on a permanent basis.
Abby is a confident little girl who has already started interacting with our own 2 dogs. Abby is inquisitive, playful and super cute.
Please WhatsApp Lin @ CARES Shelter to adopt me into your family..
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