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   « Back To Listing Big Orange
Big Orange - Domestic Short Hair Cat
For Adoption
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileMale, 7 Years 8 Months
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
LocationPetaling Jaya, Selangor
Posted30 May 2019 (Updated 7 Jun 2019)
Adoption FeeFREE
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This listing is over 3 months. Kindly inform us if pet is no longer available, to help us maintain an accurate listing.
Hi! My name is Big Orange (neutered little 'big' boy)

I have a video for you (please see my video):When You Are Near, My Heart Melts... I cherish human's love to me..

I am a very very very gentle and good natured Orange male cat.
I don't confront trouble head on..I try to shun away from getting into trouble..
I didn't hiss nor flex my claws even when I was traumatized.
I am very well-behave and very sweet and manja..

I am under 2 –year-old (but does age matter when love finds its way…?)

I am running out of time to be adopted...my wound is healing well at Cyberlynx Animal Hospital while I am waiting for home here... I will be put back to my shattered home ground to start roaming if no one comes for me.. I am so scared I am not sure if I know how to survive and adapt...

I wish I have someone to turn to in this world...

My history:-

I used to have a home.
Not too long ago, my home became empty, and I was left behind.
I waited there day and night, nobody came back.
Soon after, my home became a shattered ground.

I have no more roof to shelter, rain or shine.
No place to hide, no place to sleep.
When it rains, I can only run under some trees to hide, but I still get wet.

There is no food, and no food source nearby.

Only many cars passing by in front of my shattered home.

I have no place to go to, and I dare not go away in case my human comes back and cannot find me.
I waited day and night, but nobody came..

Where I am now:-

I am currently at Cyberlynx Animal Hospital https://www.facebook.com/cyberlynxanimalhospital/ , under treatment for a minor injury on my ear.

When you meet me, you will see sadness looming in my eyes for now.. My heart cries a million silent tears and fear that I can't express in words to you..

I long for a place called home again, for someone to come take me under your wings..

I promise to give you my neverending love that I have so much of love in me...will you come look for me and take me with you please..?

Can you please come and look for me at Cyberlynx Animal Hospital while I am still here please? My time is running out fast here...

Cyberlynx Animal Hospital (Damansara, 10 Boulevard, Kayu Ara, off Sprint Highway, just before Damansara Toll).

Please come find me at Cyberlynx please? Even if you can't give me a home, please come give me some love and support while I can still receive them please...?

I promise to be on my best behaviour always.. and if that's not enough, I will try my level best to be an even better pet..I will not dare to misbehave...

I promise I will love you wholeheartedly for our time to be spent together in the rest of my life…

You will be proud of me how I will flourish and regain my lustre and become a beautiful and impressive little prince once again when love finds its way..

Big Orange
With lots of gentle love and sweetness

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Big Orange - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Big Orange - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Big Orange - Domestic Short Hair Cat

I love human companionship and have a lot of love to give my human
I love human companionship and have a lot of love to give my human

Eyes looming with sadness for losing my family and other traumatizing moments that have happened
Eyes looming with sadness for losing my family and other traumatizing moments that have happened

Bright beautiful eyes, I am low maintenance, prefer dry food..
Bright beautiful eyes, I am low maintenance, prefer dry food..

Sweet and gentle, being manja
Sweet and gentle, being manja

I enjoy scratches and belly rub
I enjoy scratches and belly rub

Big Orange: I really cherish moments with human..my heart melts when you are near...

Share your comments here3 Comments
summer6   Jun 4th 2019 at 12:06PM
cn it be left alone in the hse for a long period of time?
TerryTerrierLam   Jun 4th 2019 at 4:20PM
Hi summer6, thank you for your enquiry re Big Orange. Big Orange is generally calm and ok to be by himself with food and water and litter and secured environment when his human goes work, though he cherishes moments of interaction with his human (trying to upload videos of that)..

May I ask how long is a 'long period of time' please..?
NashumiNashumi   Jun 30th 2019 at 4:19AM
Still available

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