[ They have disappeared, I believe my neighbours probably fed them poison, thanks ] My neighbors are not happy with these 2 stray cats I've been feeding, they've been living around my place for a few years now, probably 3 years. They are mother and son. The problem is they will sleep on their cars, scratch it and etc, I am afraid they will be poisoned one day. For those that is looking for cats to adopt, please help. They are not friendly but I believe once you get to know them, they will be friendly.
I know my neighbors are extremely unhappy, please help. I have 11 indoor cats, I can't handle this anymore. I can't bring them in anymore, the burden is too great already. I hope they have a good home and loving one.
For those with experience in adopting stray cats, you will need to cage them for a month or 2, and when they are friendly, gradually introduce them to the surrounding in a controlled environment.
Both cats are on Royal Canin diet as the son (yellow/orange) cat had kidney problems after I fed him with those very cheap dry cat food. He is now ok after I took him to the vet, no more urine or kidney problem but he must be on Royal Canin Fit32 diet or else he will develop kidney stones and die. He is a very active cat and hunts often, I get dead mice on a monthly basis as an offering.
They are mother and son, but sometimes the mother cat do hiss the son, the son on the other hand do groom his mummy but she dislike it. A cat thing I suppose.
Thanks, please consider.