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   « Back To Listing Maximus (Max)
Maximus (Max) - Bengal + Domestic Long Hair Cat
CatBengal + Domestic Long Hair
ProfileMale, 6 Years 4 Months
BodyMedium Size, Long Fur
ColorGolden, Yellow, Cream
LocationSubang Jaya, Selangor
Posted1 Feb 2019 (Updated 11 Feb 2019)
Adoption FeeRM 250
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Hi there! My name is Maximus - or Max for short. I was given this name because of the letter "M" marking on my forehead. Today I would be applying for the job "Pet Cat".

I was found alone by my fosterers mother in the middle of a busy road about to become road kill. Luckily, she picked me up and packed me in a box to be brought home. I was found healthy but extremely dirty, so they predicted that I was living in a drain. I was given a warm bath and some yummy cat food. There, I trained to become a house cat. I predominantly stay indoors, though I like to roam around the house compound. I am currently teething, so I like to bite, but in time would grow out of it. Although I have a big appetite, I am quite the picky eater meaning I don't enjoy kibble, I like wet packet cat food, and prefer whiskas to purina, smart heart and prodiet. I am very playful and active, but also love sleeping. I tolerate petting but prefer to just stay beside you.

Traits that qualify me for this job:
- I don't mind trips to the vet
- I am litter trained (and poop/pee a lot)
- I don't mind warm baths
- I am comfortable with other pets, including dogs!
- I am also known as "pest control" - meaning I catch and kill any little thing that roams your house ie. cockroaches, lizards, flies, etc...
- I respond to my name "Max"
- I will tell you when I am hungry (meaning I will disturb you till I am fed)

Please hire me! :)

Hello, I am Max's fosterer. We actually intended to keep him but figured it was best to put him up for adoption, due to the uncertainty of being able to care for him long term. I am charging RM 250 for him, RM 150 as a deposit for his neutering in the future (which you will claim back from me when he is 8/9 months old) and RM 100 for his deworming and vaccination costs. We are looking for responsible owners, who have the time and devotion for him so we prefer if you have less than 3 other pets. In terms of how he is kept, in or out of the house depends on you, but please ensure that he learns how to come home and his vaccinations are kept up to date so he does not get sick. I know most people won’t spend money on a stray cat, but please give this little guy a chance. Adopt Don’t Shop! :)

*He will come with his box, basket, toys, bowls, collar, litter trays, litter mat, carrier, food and 1 bag of litter.*
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Click on photo to view photo gallery, or mouse over for preview

Max is very photogenic
Max is very photogenic

Maximus (Max) - Bengal + Domestic Long Hair Cat

What Max will come with
What Max will come with

Max's Vet Records
Max's Vet Records

Maximus (Max) - Bengal + Domestic Long Hair Cat

Maximus (Max) - Bengal + Domestic Long Hair Cat

Maximus (Max) - Bengal + Domestic Long Hair Cat

Cat Vs Wild
Cat Vs Wild

My friend the doge
My friend the doge

Maximus (Max) - Bengal + Domestic Long Hair Cat

Maximus (Max) - Bengal + Domestic Long Hair Cat

Model Max
Model Max

Big Max sleeping in his favourite basket
Big Max sleeping in his favourite basket

Smol Max
Smol Max

Baby Max sleeping
Baby Max sleeping

Max when we first found him
Max when we first found him

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