Docile and healthy dog. Very affectionate towards humans and dogs alike. Pure-bred hunting dog - catches birds, rats, squirrels, toads, cockroaches, snakes, cats - basically anything smaller than her! XD Has the unique ability of climbing fences (0_o)
Now older and has mellowed down, easier to handle. Does not pull very hard on her leash (chasing after cats and birds while walking...)
ONE thing: She is highly possessive of her toys, her food and her owners. The word "SHARING" is out of her vocabulary. Thus she is suitable only for persons who do not have another dog in the house. She has literally killed two other dogs previously and is very aggressive towards my other two dogs at home (a Bullmastiff and a small-sized mongrel). Not that she is afraid, but she is VERY VERY JEALOUS.
Very friendly to other dogs (ie: neighbours' dog).
REASON FOR GIVING AWAY: Too many dogs to handle and not enough hands. Flamers stay away unless you can give some good suggestion to assist my situation. Saying "It's a pity people only like them when they are young and cute and not when they are matured and boring" etc is unjustified when you do not know the real situation I am facing. You are not I - how would you know what I'm going through? No justification will be given unless you are a serious adopter and not a mere commenter. You want the dog? No fees charged, healthy and fit dogs given. So adopt them or pass over.