Sandy was found lying in the middle of the road. Once I picked him up and I noticed there are several injuries on him. I immediately rushed him to the nearby vet, after X ray examination, we found no internal injuries on him, but his stomach is full of sand and tiny stones. Poor boy, not sure how long had he been starving, until taking sand and stones as his food. He is currently boarding at a person after he is recovered. He is a very loving and adorable boy. Please contact me should you interested to give him a good home. We are located in Petaling Jaya.Thanks!
Sandy是在路中央被救起的一隻小狗。當我將他抱起時發現他的眼角、額頭和耳朵都受傷了。於是將他送到附近的獸醫院,經過X光檢查後,幸好只是皮外傷,但是肚子裡卻裝著滿滿的沙石。可憐的孩子,到底餓了多久啊?竟然以沙石來填飽肚子!目前他已康复並暫時被安置在一間寵物店裡。Sandy是一隻非常乖巧又可愛的小男孩。如有意給他一個溫暖的家,請聯絡我。我們的地點是在Petaling Jaya。謝謝!
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