I had 3 senior dogs, Caring for elderly dogs can be challenging. Your furkid will be feeling sad without the owner after 10 years together. Many senior dogs have decreased hearing, vision and mobility, senior dog may facing incontinence so make sure you find the honestly real new owner who is willingly able give full attention and time to this senior dog. And the new environment is safe. Ofcuz I hope you change your mind to give more love and time to your furkid
Before covid-19, for the past 8 years he enjoy healthy lifestyle which every day run beside me when I cycle. Until today he is strong and healthy and never visit vet due to sickness.
There is no sign of him as a senior dog which im blessed.
In fact I myself towards senior after covid-19. I'm no longer has the energy and passion to bring him to exercise daily.
Hope the new owner is healthy and cheerful person who love to walk with him daily.