A mother dog came to our workshop and delivered 9 female puppies 4 months ago. 2 died soon they were borned, managed to rehome 2 puppies.
Sadly the remaining 5 puppies were down with Parvo virus last week. Initially (4 Aug 2018) we sent them to a vet in Puncak Jalil but the Dr refused to treat once they were tested Parvo positive, 1 of the puppy died that evening. We were lucky enough to have met Dr Thomas Yeoh.
The remaining puppies were discharged yesterday after a week of drip, antibiotic treatment and quarantine.
The total amount that I have paid for the medical bill was RM 1479.40. So far we have not applied any other subsidy from other party/ social media.
Dr advised us to send them for vaccination in a few weeks time when they are fully recovered. And for sure these puppies will be spayed too.
These puppies will be available for adoption on PetFinder once they have fully recovered.
Latest update as of 15/8/2018: These puppies are recovering with good appetite, playful and we are training them the basic commands. They have been toilet trained as well too!