Panda and OJ were 2 months old when I adopted them and have been with me for a year. But due to personal problems like residence not allowing pets and moving places, I am forced to put them for adoption. It breaks my heart but I know whoever adopts them will love them very much.
Panda is a charming friendly brave soul. He is almost like a dog because he loves new people, exploring, running around and absolutely loves attention and cuddling. He is the perfect pet.
OJ is one of the most beautiful princess cat I have known. She is graceful and calm. She is quiet and relaxed and loves to spend time alone as she is very independent. But once a day she will come to you and meow for belly scratches and will keep rubbing on your legs until you pet her. She is a true cat.
Panda and OJ are brothers and sisters and have always been together. If they are separated they will become very depressed and meow for each other every day (speaking from experience). They lick each other and so are very clean (no need to bathe if indoors). They play together, nap most of the day and dont make mess. They love each other very much.
If you are looking for cats who will love you then they are perfect for you. Very well mannered. They never scratch or hiss at you. Very patient if you want to pick them up and squish them. Please take care of these babies.
Whatsapp in this number or email me if you want to give these lovely cats a home. Thank you.