Adam, kucing u amatlah gebu dan comel. I Ada nampak dia kat mudah gak. kalau nego, how much is the lowest ure willing to go? kitten ni masih menyusu ke? sbb baru 2 bulan. u release nanti bila umurnya dah 3 bulan ke?
hehe nan ni nampak aje :p semlm kak fareen baru kena sound dgn cik abg 'eh, dulu u janji nak pedigree je. apasal Semarang semua kucing u nak? bila nak berenti??' eh eh Nama dah syg kucing kan kan kan? Grrrrrrrr bole tukar kaler hijau camni kekeke
xdean, not silly people. just people who wud have the right mind to enquire politely and make their own decisions based on how they feel abt the kitten and how thick their pockets are. I think condeming the seller is one thing but generalising buyers as being silly is another thing. Good tht u seem to be looking after the welfare of potential buyers out there but best if u can be impartial and not judgemental. TQ
reasonable la dat price..the owner pn dh state leh nego lg, at least xla smpi 2k kn kak fareen,hehe..2 bru ridiculous..lgpn really cute kitten ni, classic tabby, ;)