Zara was rescued off the streets on 23 April 2018. She is a friendly, sociable kitty with a ready purr, so the rescue was very easy. She turned up suddenly one day and was found wandering around the neighbourhood scavenging and begging for food, and so I believe that she was either dumped by a previous owner or perhaps wandered off too far from home and got lost.
If you would love to have a cat with an out-going sunshine personality who will meow to you her thoughts and desires, and who would love to have your attention, then this is the cat for you.
Some basic facts:
* Litter box trained.
* De-wormed - next de-worm on 23 May 2018
* Vaccinated - next jab is on 23 May 2018
* Her spaying will be scheduled after the 23 May jab to ensure that her size and health are suitable for a safe surgery.