well that's good because u really concern bout this thing, yes it is truth without a cert the cat can't be called maine coon or so ever because there's no prove saying that its a maine coon and a good friend of me once said that without a cert even the persian look so beautiful or flat face it still consider long hair, btw are u breeder or just a cat lover?
One thing that i still dun understand is if we look nowadays most of the cat lover still put it under the cat breed even though they doesn't have cert. To me I really dun care bout their breed,stray cat or unhealthy cat , because cat to be love and I love my cat...hehe.. btw love ur adeputra sounds like one of the actor name..hehe
well that's good because u really concern bout this thing, yes it is truth without a cert the cat can't be called maine coon or so ever because there's no prove saying that its a maine coon and a good friend of me once said that without a… show more
well that's good because u really concern bout this thing, yes it is truth without a cert the cat can't be called maine coon or so ever because there's no prove saying that its a maine coon and a good friend of me once said that without a… show more
well that's good because u really concern bout this thing, yes it is truth without a cert the cat can't be called maine coon or so ever because there's no prove saying that its a maine coon and a good friend of me once said that without a… show more
well that's good because u really concern bout this thing, yes it is truth without a cert the cat can't be called maine coon or so ever because there's no prove saying that its a maine coon and a good friend of me once said that without a… show more
well that's good because u really concern bout this thing, yes it is truth without a cert the cat can't be called maine coon or so ever because there's no prove saying that its a maine coon and a good friend of me once said that without a… show more
dear crool...i'm just i cat lover. tak de niat pun nak jadi breeder...the fact is if the cat does not have a cert to prove what breed it is, so it is a domestic....tak kisah la curl dia 3 degree ke, muka dia flat ke... and i love my adeputra as much as i love the other cats....walaupun dia hanya domestik. tak kan sebab domestik kita tak nak sayang dia pulak....cuma sekarang ni ramai sangat yg mengambil kesempatan menjual kucing2 domestik ini dengan menyatakan bahawa kucing2 tersebut breed2 tertentu dan dengan harga2 yg mahal ....itu sahaja ....
dear crool...i'm just i cat lover. tak de niat pun nak jadi breeder...the fact is if the cat does not have a cert to prove what breed it is, so it is a domestic....tak kisah la curl dia 3 degree ke, muka dia flat ke... and i love my adeput… show more
dear crool...i'm just i cat lover. tak de niat pun nak jadi breeder...the fact is if the cat does not have a cert to prove what breed it is, so it is a domestic....tak kisah la curl dia 3 degree ke, muka dia flat ke... and i love my adeput… show more
dear crool...i'm just i cat lover. tak de niat pun nak jadi breeder...the fact is if the cat does not have a cert to prove what breed it is, so it is a domestic....tak kisah la curl dia 3 degree ke, muka dia flat ke... and i love my adeput… show more
dear crool...i'm just i cat lover. tak de niat pun nak jadi breeder...the fact is if the cat does not have a cert to prove what breed it is, so it is a domestic....tak kisah la curl dia 3 degree ke, muka dia flat ke... and i love my adeput… show more