Barnaby was trapped back in June, 2009 at Ketam village, Pulau Ketam.He contacted Transmittable Veneral Tumour ontop of its huge open wound on its right shoulder ; most probably from fighting with its peers.
Save a Stray saw its will to live;took over the responsibilities & saved him from euthanasia.First priority was treating & dressing the mega wound. Next was a course of chemotherapy to eradicate the VD totally.Recuperation & reconditioning followed. When health was restored; he got done.
Barnaby was grumpy. We kept him in the 5 stars "room" with panaromic view of how all his peers living here roam free with love & security. No violence of any sorts, no confinement except dinner time & when potential
parents are here to view. " Why do human thinks we will bite at sight. Silly, if we do;we wouldn't be homed.Protocol & manners are expected of us to contra the board & lodging provided.
He mumbles now that he wants a home .