Cats' age 3 months old.female&male.d.o.b 7/9/09 2nd vaccn&deworm given.
-felix is adopted...sam r owner's pet now
2013...the son of felix's adopter has serious athma. Felix now named Simba is now my pet.. after a few months he adjust just well with the other furry family. thank you guys for caring him all these while. he is adorable and a gentlemen too
zura klau u btol2 interested tros je call kak aina.. she may be busy so she cant reply ur comments here.. btw ive seen them both.. they are cute and adorable.. very3 manja..
iye?mmg nk call but not now.kena g cri public lak.hp rosak la..hehehe.xpe,nnt zura call kak felix n sam ade lg ke?bkn ape,umah zura pun kt klang gak.snang nk amek..
HAI SUME...maaf banyk2..felix demam panas.tadi 40.5' i xleh nk bg sapa2 adopt diorg dulu.on antibiotik for about 1week.bila dh sembuh i akan terus bg 2nd vaccin&deworm.then only boleh let go...sam dah pun diberi 2nd vaccn&dewrm far sam sihat je..doakan felix cpt sembuh ya..cian dia tiap hari kna mkn ubt..
salam kak,mana akak gi semalam?? kan kata nk meet up utk sy amik cici ngan momo akak tu kt htar,sy tunggu kt situ sampai kul 5 tau... harap ari ni dpt amik,tp sy tgk akak cam xnk je lepaskan kt sy..huhuhu..neway,tq..tlg reply yer,jgn la senyap je kak... tlg ar... pnt dh call then akak leh matikan hp tu..tension tau..salam..
hai adam...that day akk da infom adam kan akk da hal thats y xdpt jumpa.bila adam kol aak tgh drive..pun akk da msg bgtau ms akk stop kt trafic lite...i ve got some emergncy to handle xleh lg nk bincang pasal adoption cici&momo.hope adam faham ya.tq dan sorry sbb tunggu.
biarla dorang main..