My rescuer found me around Klang area with a bleeding tail. She then picked me up even when I was a little dirty and sent me to the doctors for a check up.
The doctor said that I'm about 2 months old. I have blue greyish dreamy eyes and am fully white in colour. One of my hand is slightly bowish shaped but it doesn't stop me from being hyper active. When there's human around I like to go up to them and snuggle at them as it makes me feel cute.
The doctor said he had to remove my tail to prevent any spinal cord injury so that I can grow and be a healthy cat. The surgery went well but I'm getting used to not having a tail. I sometimes scratch my stitching that's why it takes a longer time to recover.
I am currently waiting in the vet trying to catch passersby attention to adopt me. My rescuer sincerely hope that someone will adopt me soon so I can enjoy my childhood fully.
Oh ya, doctor also said I'm too young to be neutered now. So please don't blame my rescuer.