Schmoopy's story is pretty sad. She was just around 1 month old when we found her all frail and terrified, wondering around with an adult male cat. She must have confused the cat with her mother. She was clearly malnourished. The fact that she's alive today is no lack of a miracle.
Today, Schmoopy is healthy and super playful. She likes to play with a crumpled piece of paper and carries it with her mouth around the house. She loves watching birds video on youtube too. She could stare at them monitor for hours on end!
Schmoopy is an absolute bundle of joy to have. She likes to be around hooman especially during nap time. She gets along really well with other furry creatures too!
Schmoopy is no picky eater by all means. She's really easy to take care of.
If you would like to welcome Schmoopy to your home, please contact me via whatsapp at
Have a great day!