My son found the kitten under our car at 3/11/17 .we already bring back home shower and spray kutu medicine. Yesterday go for body check up. Coz both eyes also have problems. Now boarding at Kilnik. Looking for adoption. I already have two, can't afford to keep it again. Please help. Thank you very much.
# 求领养❤
更新:已经帶一猫咪看医生了,猫咪的眼睛可能受过伤,待观察。我把牠放 boaring 5 天,希望尽快有人领养。
地点: KL. Kuchai Lama
今天傍晚当我兒子在sunway 放工要开车回家时,确发现 车底有只小猫。花了点时间把牠救出来。原本要把牠帶回家冲凉喷Kutu 药水再找领养人。但后来却发现牠的右眼好像没有了眼球,很大可能已经看不到东西了。而左眼眼球是蓝色的,但可能也是有问题。明天帶牠看医生再确认。本人已收养了两只。已没办法再收养了。希望有(天使)能不嫌弃牠能给牠爱和温暖的家。(可请大家帮忙分享为小猫咪找个疼爱牠的主人) 有意领养者,本人尽我能力载送到府上。谢谢,谢谢大家。感恩