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   « Back To Listing Chloe
Chloe - Tabby Cat
ProfileFemale, 7 Years 11 Months
BodyMedium Size, Medium Fur
ColorCream, Gray, White
LocationJohor Bahru, Johor
Posted2 Oct 2017 (Updated 14 Nov 2017)
Adoption FeeRM 150
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Chloe is a little white/cream/gray kitten found alone across a big main road at night, attracting the dogs of the entire neighbourhood who were all barking at her, especially our own rescue dog.

When I got to her, she was shy but then warmed up quickly to friendly petting. From petting, she was partially covered in mange, her ears & face crusty and loosing fur. We took her in and gave her the medical attention needed to cure her of that nasty skin problem (also to avoid having all the other stray cats being infected as well). We suspect that she was dumped out by someone when her mange infection got worst.

Few weeks later, after the last of the mange, Chloe's fur grew back and she is now a beautiful kitten growing normally. While our other rescue dog was still around, Chloe would sneak out to play with the dog too.

Chloe's got a distinctive gray pattern on her left eye, and cream pattern on her right. A gray comet-like pattern on her white-cream head, and a beautiful fluffy tri-coloured tail of mostly gray tones. She has pale blue eyes, her fur is medium-long 80% white, paws pink with patches of dark gray/black.

Chloe is used to being around people, loves to play on her own or with us and will not hesitate to "tell" you when she is hungry or in need of affectionate pets. If her usual toys won't keep her busy, she is also a curious kitten, who would love to follow us around just to see what we are up to. When we are away for a while, we'd come home to find her sitting by the gate, waiting for us. Eversince the viral cat flu, we have kept Chloe indoors all the way, to which she's got no problems.

Chloe is fully vaccinated, dewormed, checked for fleas (clean!) and has recently been spayed.

We would like to find Chloe to find a good home and family who will love to have this curious kitty & take care of her throughout. We have no doubt that Chloe will be a great little vocal companion to your life if you're looking for a furry friend to call your own.

The reason for the adoption fees :

1. Chloe has been trained to use the litter box. 2. She recognises her name and will come to you when called. In order for her to listen to you, you must first gain her trust.
3. Chloe is fed on a mixed diet of premium kiblets and also specially prepared clean, real food (fish meat, chicken meat..etc) in order to allow her to absorb the best of nutrients and grow as a healthy cat.
4. Her lovely long fur is kept as clean as possible.
5. She is also used to car rides and being around people.
6. Chloe understands that she has her sleeping routine and play times.

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Chloe being playful and cute. Growing beautifully.
Chloe being playful and cute. Growing beautifully.

Close up on Chloe. Love her paws.
Close up on Chloe. Love her paws.

Early stages : Chloe's condition when she was first found.
Early stages : Chloe's condition when she was first found.

Early stages : Waiting for the mange to go away
Early stages : Waiting for the mange to go away

Chloe chilling with our rescued dog when she first came to us.
Chloe chilling with our rescued dog when she first came to us.

Bringing Chloe to the vet for check-up after her mange was gone.
Bringing Chloe to the vet for check-up after her mange was gone.

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