🎈 ADOPTION 领养贴 🎈
Area : PENANG (If other areas whatsapp me.)
- Simple requests(小條件) :
(if you agree with all of this, hit me up ~)
1)Spaying (結紮)
2)Keep indoors, Avoid caging too frequently. (養家裡,不關籠)
3)No supermarket/minimarket catfood.(不餵超市貓糧)
4)Regular vet check ups.
5)Family is fine with you keeping a cat .(家人允許)
- Tuxedo kitty, female, almost 6 mnths old, got all her vaccines as a kitten .
-性格 : 一开始会很胆小,久了会很好相处,不挑食,独立聪明厉害观察奴才在干嘛😂
-Personality: Shiki is a scaredy kitten at first, she'll be amazing company after she gets used to you :), Not a picky-eater , Really independent.
希望会遇到有缘人 💞
Are you willing to give this little penguin a chance?
Whatsapp me at