His name is DEMETRI. He have one 1 month older brother named CASPER. He is also a PURE ALBINO cat ( which only has a population of 2% in the whole world ) Has a pink eyes + nose with pink salmon skin. Since his very rare, Demetri is very sensitive to light. So his ONLY suitable to be an indoor baby.
- Demetri is toilet trained, he is a lovable baby. He love to cuddle & snuggle with u. He can be a littlr clingy compared to his brother Casper. He would come to u & keep u warm & stress free. Since his a pure breed Albino, he must be kept indoor.
- His still a baby, not even a year OLD. So kitten food is recommended. Just until he reach 1 year old soon.
- He loves to play. His character is a LOVING one. You'll come to love him at first sight, guarantee!
- Reason to let go: i'm moving to a new places that DOESN'T ALLOW me to bring the boys. So it breaks my heart to actually undergo this process. I hope to find them a new loving parents.
- For more info
- Contact me : Nyuu- Pick up around Shah Alam area.