Meet Charlie the (Monkey) Cat! Charlie is a male, tabby short-hair estimated to be around 2-3 months old. He's extremely friendly with everyone, including the doctor (although he didn't really like getting his temperature taken). He's gotten his first vaccination shot but will have to wait a bit before getting neutered.
Charlie is quite easy to handle in the bath and comes out looking like a funny kitty version of Dobby the House Elf. He has a bit of a Donald Duck sort of voice which is quite unique. He's quite proud that his voice sounds like a famous cartoon character.
He does well with small dogs (he really likes following his big sister around) and he will follow any human who comes into view and catches his attention. He's curious about bigger dogs but he doesn't enjoy being lunged at by excitable ones. He's a very laid back fellow who's fine with other cats as long as they're fine with him.
Charlie can't quite decide what he wants to be when he grows up. He loves playing football and he loves adventuring like Indiana Jones and exploring new nooks and crannies. He also likes climbing and perching on high spots like a ninja monkey. Ideally, he would love to be a professional football-playing-ninja-monkey-adventurer cat when he grows up.
If you're interested in adding Charlie to your family, do let me know! The fee of RM 30 will go towards his sterilization cost. :3