Eleeeehhh setakat Lola ni boley baca lah hahahahah...Tapi kalau ye pun apa salahnya kalau boleh jaga :) Cat/Kitten Kak Sarah mmg lawa. Kak Fareen suka Polpot tu walaupun dia DSH.
huakak..nk wat cm ner kak..xreti sorok..huakak...ops..kakak mampu tuh mampu..tp tuh lew..sian kalu tlepas..tkt kene curik..huk2.. polpot pn mmg comey..hek4..tuh la..sume babies kak sarah comey..hek4
Guys: I was just read on Paws website..and im very sad to read that cats who is not able to find a new home will be 'put to sleep'.. Just thinking of sending my baby there but now i will not let that happened.
Sarah, why were u thinking of sending ur babies there, jan byk org nak adopt them? paws and SPCA are shelters for strays or unwanted furkids. I dun think ur kids fit tht category cos they have a good home with u!
Fareen: I have stray babies that i rescued like Jolie..Normal DSH cat like this is very hard to find a new family...While i have to go end of January.. I dont want to send them there.
Some of babies like Jing Jing, Theodore also not friendly with people..they r really scared with people and people dont want to adopt them..Most of the cute baby adopted already but for them who left behind..I was just cant accept people killing them while iam giving all i have to protect them from any danger.
oh ye ke Sarah? u going Vietnam for a visit or staying there for good? ure rite DSH mmg Susah org nak amik. mcm my dex tak nak org, not friendly I doubt anyone wudve wanted him if I didn't take him...
Fareen: Ya..i think it is really cruel..We will kill our child if they r not friendly and ugly? I can't accept it. I will go to Vietnam for training for a month.And they daddy also got asma and i cant keep them all.. I will find other way to make sure they enjoy life and die because of old age..not put to sleep.
if no one adopt your cat when u are abt to go, i may be able to take those left unadopted. I hv 5 cat less than a year 2 of them are less than 4 months. But all my cat stay in their small house (modified cage) in my bckyard where they are only put in cage at night and release in the morning where they are free to move around.
Hi Pak Lubis..u r so very kind person. I will give u a call middle of January. Is it ok for you if i come and visit Pak Lubis? Just to have small talk with u of how i can assist when i leave them there at your place until they are adopted.
Dont worry about the food...will provide the food for them until they r adopted.But im really concern about ur health. i have 30 cats previously and it is not easy to keep them clean and healthy..by the way Sarah will call Pak Lubis soon..maybe by this week.
Ya Lola..really they grow so fast and people also put unwanted cats in front of my door.rescued kitten..It is not easy now coz Sarah always travel and busy with work. and c Lilo tu pun will be spay this month together with the female cat left behind back home.
la ye ke..sian kn..xpe la kak...kt berbuat baek... ada ganjarannye...akak akn ke vietnam if i not mistaken rite??bilew 2??so sape akn tke care of ur babies?
Will go end of Jan..for 1 month..my hubby want to keep Kinai n Kanajawa..but akak cakap dia ade asma, cannot bela kucing dah. But dia ckp kalau dua ekor ok la..kalau tak dia cakap nanti takde sapa yg kita leh sayang and manja2.sunyi gak kalau takde baby cat kat umh.