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   « Back To Listing Meelo
Meelo - Persian + Tabby Cat
CatPersian + Tabby
ProfileMale, 17 Years 11 Months
BodyExtra Large Size, Long Fur
ColorBlack, Gray, White
LocationPuchong, Selangor
Posted16 Nov 2009 (Updated 4 May 2011)
Adoption FeeFREE
EDIT: Meelo has been adopted into a new loving home. Thank you to all who offered to have him.

Meelo is a silver tabby persian mix. Very affectionate and loves children! Loves being cuddled and hugged. Smart cat and a great companion.
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Meelo - Persian + Tabby Cat

Meelo - Persian + Tabby Cat

Meelo - Persian + Tabby Cat

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Share your comments here19 Comments
Crool   Nov 21st 2009 at 8:52PM
wah meelo very2 cute oh........love the fur...
CikLola   Nov 30th 2009 at 9:17AM
like pic no 3..huk3
IntanLiyana   Dec 20th 2009 at 12:49PM
handsome meelo!!! geram ngan ur kitties!
Marmoreal   Dec 25th 2009 at 7:24PM
comel nyer... suka tgk dia kat pic 3...:]
Crool   Apr 24th 2010 at 8:38PM
nape open for adoption? he so cute .... pls give to those who r genius cat lover........sayangnya
MidnightMaiden   Apr 24th 2010 at 10:13PM
Hi Shiatar,your kitties are gorgeous :)Just make sure u vet thru potential adopters carefully yeah..there are too many people out there who pose as being genuine cat lovers but actually have hidden agendas..i.e. breeding your cat, re-selling your cat...bukan nak takutkan u, tapi memang dah byk yg jadi, a lot of PF members pun can tell u their experience.

May I suggest maybe u can put an adoption fee and terms & conditions for those who want to adopt. Good luck in finding your gorgeous kitties new homes :)
shiatar   Apr 24th 2010 at 10:24PM
Thanks for the info MidnightMaiden, I will be careful of who I let adopt my precious cats. Now I'm even more reluctant to give them away...
zulkifley   Apr 24th 2010 at 10:36PM
hi i want to know about yr cats... still avlbe?
MidnightMaiden   Apr 24th 2010 at 10:52PM
Why did u have to let them go btw, if u don't mind me asking? :( This must be hard for u...

If possible, try to get a person whom will be willing to keep in touch regularly, at least u would still be able to visit when u miss them too much :)
Fareen   Apr 24th 2010 at 11:10PM
Hi Shiatar,
U must have very strong reasons to part with these beautiful boys..Yes Midnight Maiden is right. You will be bombarded with emails, phonecalls, SMS's and comments on ur profile. I put up a few Persian and DLH cats for
adoption recently and it wasn't easy finding genuine people. Although it's not impossible.

1 good thing is ur cats are already neutered so tht would definetely fend off 'breeders' but yes there r those sickos who adopt cats and resell at a high price.

U can visit my adoption profile just to get an idea of my terms and conditions. Tak banyaklah:)

Goodluck and I really hope they get a lovely new home. Hopefully one that can adopt them together. Take care.
shiatar   Apr 24th 2010 at 11:19PM
I am expecting a baby in a few months.
I just don't think I can cope with so many 'babies' plus it is going to be a big financial strain. If they were normal cats, (as in short haired) it wouldn't be a problem. I cannot even change their cat food because they will get hairball. They need grooming, plus all the litter and vet fees.

I just adopted a shorthair domestic last year and I am keeping her. Very low maintenance so I'm not worried.
I really hate giving them up and I'm really upset about having to do this. Hopefully I can find some genuine people who will love them as I do.
Sashy   Apr 25th 2010 at 9:14AM
Put a reasonable adoption fee. You can donate the fee to SPCA or paws or any shelter of your choice. That will cut down more calls from ppl who want a high maintenance cat but can't afford to buy one. Buying is one thing, maintaining costs almost as much
ManekiNeko   Apr 25th 2010 at 10:29AM
Good point, Sashy... Shiatar's comment about the expense and labor of maintaining long-haired cats reminds me of a conversation with Fareen & Blackie007 about the work involved. Many, many hours and ringgits! I really wonder if people understand that before they buy or adopt these kitties. They are lovely, yes, but not easy to keep.
Failish   Apr 26th 2010 at 2:01PM
Hopefully they will find a good and lovely owner to take care of em. Some people, they will do anything to get this cute and adorable cats and end up with selling or abandon them at their backyard. I hate that! I've seen one before. Not saying this to scares you etc, just sharing. I gave one of my white persian kitten before. That lady was happy,excited bla..blaa... promised me mcm2 la.. After 2 months, I ckp nak jenguk my Bee Bee, she said she's busy. One day, I tunggu depan rumah dia, bila call dia picked up and ckp she's outstation, while I nampak depan mata I, she was about to entered the house! I keluar dari kereta and pergi jumpa dia. Terkejut la dia. then I tanya nak jumpa BB, then dia kata BB kat umah adik dia. I insisted nak jumpa gak, then baru dia kata yang BB dah mati sebab cirit birit! Geram gila! I mintak pampasan and she gave me unreasonable fees! Haish...geram!

So, u just be more careful and go and check their places 1st.
macgyverjune   Apr 26th 2010 at 2:08PM
The only consolation,the cat is already neuter. So nobody can use him as a stud. I hope you will strictly screen the potential adopter before giving Meelo away. He deserve a cat loving family.Not just anyone who fancy long hair cat but unable to keep up with the maintenance. I know myself will not be able to keep long hair cat because I don't have time to groom the cat every day. Gud luck to you.
AkimMcK   Apr 27th 2010 at 12:43PM
hi shiatar...

yg gugurl xder ker? semua boy boy jer..
klo gurgurl nak gak la...
nk wat kwn kucing kt umah...
cian Hale srg2..
shiatar   Apr 27th 2010 at 1:44PM
Haha... both my DLH cats are 'boy boy'.
I have one female calico DSH but she is not up for adoption because she's got a bad leg.
Hi good news ( for me )!!!

My husband just got offered a new job... so we now can afford to keep these babies. Plus we are getting a maid so I will have help once the baby comes. Yay!

To all those who so kindly offered to take them, I really appreciate the offers. And sorry for disappointing anyone.

I am so happy! Giving them away was breaking my heart.
Abbyhud   Apr 26th 2011 at 6:50PM
Hi shiatar...is meelo still with u? im vry interested to tke cre of meelo n want him become my fren n bodyguard...

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