UPDATE: Sushi is now adopted!
ABOUT Sushi:-
- Active, attentive and alert.
- long furry tail, not docked like the standard Shih Tzu.
- microchipped.
- vaccinated on 22 May 2017.
- Full blood test on 22 May 2017.
- has mild cataract on her left eye.
- applied with the monthly Revolution spot-on (last on 7 September 2017) to protect against ticks/fleas/ear mites/heartworms/intestinal worms.
- Her weight is 5.35kg as of 22 May 2017.
1) The dog must be kept indoors at all times due to her small size. No prolonged caging as it will only lead to behavioural problems.
2) The adopter should exercise Sushi by taking her out for walks and toileting twice a day.
3) The adopter must provide the basic preventive dog care such as monthly spot-on application (Revolution is recommended) to prevent ticks/heartworms.
4) The adoption fee must be paid in full as it only partially covers her vaccination & blood test costs. Total vet bill to date: RM280.90 (Please refer to the photos below for the breakdown of the vet cost with receipt proof)
YOUR adoption fee: only RM150.
5) Malaysian adopter preferred.
If you're interested to adopt Sushi, please sent a message (via petfinder.my) and please share about yourself, your place and your dog ownership experience. Please expect an interview by e-mail. We welcome any questions from you too.
Any juvenile-type e-mails without providing the necessary details (ie tell about yourself, your place and dog ownership experience) required will be not be replied. Please don't just provide a phone number because I WON'T call/sms/whatsapp and prefer to correspond by e-mail FIRST.
My apologies if the above seemed to be intrusive or offensive in any way but we are looking for a truly loving and responsible adopter for Sushi. All this resulted from our experience in rehoming pets. Please note that there is no right or wrong answers as we just wish to learn more about Sushi's potential adopter before making the decision. Looking forward to hearing from you.
UPDATE: Sushi is now adopted!
ABOUT Sushi:-
- Active, attentive and alert.
- long furry tail, not docked like the standard Shih Tzu.
- microchipped.
- vaccinated on 22 May 2017.
- Full blood test on 22 May 2017.
- has mild cataract on her left eye.
- applied with the monthly Revolution spot-on (last on 7 September 2017) to protect against ticks/fleas/ear mites/heartworms/intestinal worms.
- Her weight is 5.35kg as of 22 May 2017.
1) The dog must be kept indoors at all times due to her small size. No prolonged caging as it will only lead to behavioural problems.
2) The adopter should exercise Sushi by taking her out for walks and toileting twice a day.
3) The adopter must provide the basic preventive dog care such as monthly spot-on application (Revolution is recommended) to prevent ticks/heartworms.
4) The adoption fee must be paid in full as it only partially covers her vaccination & blood test costs. Total vet bill to date: RM280.90 (Please refer to th…
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