Im Lozzy a cuddly chubby tubby. I am very social, love people, love hugs and cuddles and love snuggling next to my human. Yes I miss my human when she is away and rush to greet her when she returns. I'm friendly with other cats and kids love me too.
At times I chase around the room, jump to catch the imaginary bug and nap near the window. Yup I can show you some cool moves on how to catch that missing mouse.
I would make a fun addition to your family.
Indoor cats: I would prefer my cats are kept as indoor cats with space to run around and play. I am very strict about not caging my fur kids and hope you don’t cage them (unless required by vet). Cats are curious animals and are constantly exploring their surroundings. Give them space to walk and run around. But also remember to kitty proof your house.
Good Quality Food: My cats are fed some sort of premium brands. Good quality food is important to maintain their health and more beneficial for you in the long run (less vet visits!)
Companions: Cats are very social animals and it is healthier to adopt two so they can have another cat to play or interact with. Especially if you are busy at work or otherwise most of the day :). But if you can only get one cat, then please consider adopting an adult cat. Adult cats are usually litter box trained, spayed and easier to take care. Their personality is developed and you know what you get. They are also more independent and mellow in their games and spend a lot of time napping ;).
Medical/vets: My cats are not spayed/neutered if less than 6 months. You must agree to do so at 6 months. You must also agree to give booster shots (if required) and yearly veterinary examination.
Other Conditions: You will need to fill an adoption form when you adopt my cats. If you ever feel you can’t cope with them, they have to be returned to me. I love to receive updates on their progress with pictures. If you are travelling, i would like first right of refusal for taking care of them when you are away (depending on my schedule).
Taking care of fur kids is easy. All they need is some food, lots of love & attention and they will be at your side all their life. But before adopting, please consider your financial situation. Good quality food, vet visits, etc will need to be budgeted.