Pecan and Peanut are about 2 months old. They were born at about 11pm on 11 Jan 2017. They will be up for adoption on 1st April (about 10wks old). Anyone interested can pre-book with me. This will also give u time to prepare for your fur-kids before they come home. A little about each of them:
Pecan: The bossy big brother is always the first to try out everything new…the new cat tree, the new cat toy, the new room in the house. He was also the first to help mommy hunt the toy mouse. Like all kittens, he loves games. He runs around the house chasing his brother and sister. But if he is tired, he stops wherever he is and goes to sleep, even if it is right in the middle of the room or on the pathway or the carpet. Pecan is a very unique cream colour with a beautiful ringed tail. He is also very loving, always giving his human parents a massage and a lick:)
Peanut: The smallest and most timid little one. Peanut is always looking at Pecan or Patches to try anything new first. He is the gentlest of the three and is always ready for a cuddle. Pecan and Peanut look like twins with their creamy fur color and are also very close.
Peanut is also the first to run to greet you after a long day. He will follow you around the house until you give him his cuddle.
The kittens were born in a very much protected environment and have not been exposed to the wild world. I would prefer they are kept as indoor cats with space to run around and play. I am very strict about not caging my fur kids and hope you don’t cage them. Cats are curious animals and are constantly exploring their surroundings. Give them space to walk and run around. But also remember to kitty proof your house.
I have given them their first vaccinations and expect their new parents to follow through with all vaccinations and also neuter them at 6 months. Taking care of fur kids is easy. All they need is some food, lots of love & attention and they will be at your side all their life.
Lastly I prefer the kittens are adopted as a pair or better all together. Cats are very social animals and it is healthier to adopt two so they can have another cat to play or interact with. Especially if you are busy at work or otherwise most of the day :) Adopting two siblings that are used to each other is easier for you.